Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What the?!?!?!

I finally had a brief moment to spare today and decided to play catch up with some blogs that I love. When I got to Alex's blog, I was happy to find out she had been nominated for the Stylish Blogger Award! It was also very interesting to learn more about her.

I continued reading, I noticed she had links to other blogs. As I started reading the other blogs she posted links to, one link kept bringing me back to my own blog. I just couldn't figure it out. Then I realised it was like one of those moments where you're looking for your glasses and they have been on your face the whole time! My blog was there because Alex picked me!! What what!!!!

Alex, you rock my socks. THANK.YOU.

The conditions of this award are as follows:

1. Make a post and link back to the person who awarded this to me.
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them they’ve won!

Seven things about myself:

1. Most people have nicknames usually based on what their name is. As my name is Julie, the usual one I get is Jules. I hate it. There are only 3 people that can call me Jules and I won't cringe at the mom, sister, and boyfriend. Whenever anyone but those three people say that word, it makes my skin crawl. The biggest problem however, is that I've never told anyone.

2. I have been trying to obtain my undergraduate degree for a very long time. 9 years to be exact. I took a few years off after high school. I was very unsure of what I wanted to do and ridiculously stubborn. When I finally decided I wanted to go back, I could only afford to do it part time. I've taken many years off in between but I know that someday, I will get that diploma!

3. I used to analyse sperm. You read that right. When I lived in Montreal, I worked for a fertility clinic in the andrology lab, and one of my daily tasks was to
analyse the specimens that came in. I wasn't the sperm lady, I did analyse many other things but people really seem to get a kick out of hearing my stories. I really, really, really miss that job.

4. I didn't speak English until I was around 8 years old. I am fluent in both French and English.

5. To this day, my best friends are still the same old crew from high school

6. I've done a lot of Canadian travel but have never been outside of North America. As I type that, I know that needs to change. SOON.

7. I am not a jealous person at all but I have been feeling some serious pangs of jealously since finding this blog. She has accomplished everything on my bucket list; Nursing degree, traveling, yoga, running, living in Kits, and the list goes on. Just reading her blog puts a smile on my face. I wonder if she knows how inspiring she is?

I am supposed to nominate 15 bloggers, but I want to concentrate on the blogs I read regularly, and that have a positive message. Congratulations ladies, you are all so amazing!

Alex Happy Go Lucky
Jenn Smile With Your Heart
Caitlin Twenty-Fifth Year
Elise Hungry Hungry Hippie
Sarah White Blossom
Nicole Geek Turned Athlete
Beth California Training


Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete said...

Thanks again. I think you are pretty amazing too! ;)

I'm the same way with people calling me "family only" nicknames!

JT said...

Thanks Julie for posting my blog here!! Awesome site!!! :) :)

JT said...

Thanks Julie for posting my site!! Awesome blog!!!!!